Walk, jog or run 100km in March for Shelter UK

The challenge
Go the distance this March, join Team Shelter and raise money to help us be there for people facing homelessness and unsuitable housing.
We’re challenging you to complete 100km within the month however you like – walking, jogging, running, it’s completely up to you!
The challenge is open to everyone and it’s free to sign up. If you are under 18, you’ll need to sign up with an adult.
How to take part
Signing up is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
Join our Facebook group.
Set up your Facebook fundraiser. Not done this before? You can find full instructions in our frequently asked questions.
Request your free t-shirt. You can do this in the Facebook group.
Get involved! Our Facebook group is there to support you and keep your motivated during your challenge. You can post your photos, compare efforts and share your success with everyone else taking part.
If you’re not on Facebook you can still take part. We recommend using JustGiving for online fundraising. Alternatively, you can use our sponsorship forms. Whatever you choose, please email us to let us know so we can send you a t-shirt. Please remember to include the link to your JustGiving page in the email.